On the first day that my group and I got assigned our genre, we took a good couple of minutes to listen to the songs that were included and on top of thinking of our own enjoyment of each track, also thought about how easy it would be to produce a music video. Ultimately, with that in mind, we chose Night Running because it had a clear theme that we could envision vividly and all of us liked the song. On that first day, we got to brainstorming for the music video, basic ideas and also created a miniature schedule that outlined what we should at least try to do, mostly in class but we did discuss our out of class schedule. I definitely noticed that the quality of discussion was very high and when we came in on the second day day of class, we were all very talkative and bounced ideas off of each other in a productive manner.
The discussion allowed us to make an idea list where we then decided on a plot collectively. We decided that we should try to depict a robbery and then a subsequent police chase (a la night running). We split up the music video into six sections: introduction, verse 1, chorus, verse 2, chorus 2, and instrumental end. Also, at first, we wanted to do the entire song but then we settled on a length around two minutes or two and a half minutes which is why the music video ends on chorus 2 and the instrumental fading out despite the song itself going on for longer than that. After creating a detailed shot list, one of the group members persuaded his friend to help us with filming and on the day after, we all gathered around 6 in the afternoon and begun filming. The time was crucial to capture the nighttime setting.
Finally, we finished the music video within two hours and it was pretty satisfactory. The acting was definitely of a higher quality than some of the productions I've done in the past and I attribute that to the genuine effort that everyone exerted. We congratulated ourselves and handed the editing off to one person while we split up the presentation evenly among different members. On the following day after the filming, in class, we chose how to distribute our social media responsibilities and made more changes to the presentation and now, we only have a few finishing touches to put.